An open letter "written by and for journalists" is calling on the news industry to stop "obscuring Israeli occupation and the systemic oppression of Palestinians" in the media. Signed by 250 journalists working for some of the world's top media outlets, the letter of June 9th accuses the mainstream media of "failing" its audience with a "decades-long journalistic malpractice" that has misinformed the public on the reality of Israel's occupation.
It is great to see journalists doing this, and the article in Middle East Eye underlines their bravery: no less than 30 felt compelled to sign anonymously, giving only their company name, while journalists who had signed a similar letter to Canadian news outlets had been "called into meetings with management at their respective newsrooms to discuss why they had signed". CAMPAIN applauds these journalists, whose actions are in the same vein as the article "Journalists, check your evidence on antisemitism" that three of us published in May 2019. Read more HERE and comment below.
Another very timely piece of action that must indeed be applauded. Truth and integrity above the politically motivated narrative!